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Cameron Smith

Cameron Smith

Where did you study for your BTEC with LFE?

 I studied at Carlisle United.

What are you doing now?

After leaving the BTEC programme I went straight into a full-time job working for Amazon as a delivery driver. After 18 months of this, I realised it wasn’t really what I wanted to do. I left Amazon and was looking for something in sport as this was my main passion. The Premier League Kicks Coordinator job came up at Carlisle United and I knew it was something I really wanted to do, thankfully I was successful and here I am now. I lead the programme for Carlisle where we offer sessions for schools and local youth centres. I really love my job and have been able to gain loads of different qualifications and experiences through this.

How did the LFE programme support you with your career aspirations?

I learnt a lot of skills that I take into my job now through the education, but the main thing that helped was probably the work experience that was on offer. It allowed me to coach young people and lead sessions which helped me gain the skills and experience for my current role.

What advice would you give to any learners on programme with us?

My advice would be to get as much experience as you can. Try and get your foot in the door doing something you enjoy, something you’re passionate about, as this could lead to employment in the future.

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