Ashley Young’s football career has quickly gained momentum, with the 18-year-old recently signing a one year professional contract at Scottish Premier League side Falkirk FC, which will see him through his final year at Academy level.
The Manchester born midfielder completed one year of his Apprenticeship with Burnley FC before completing his second year at Bury FC. During this time, Ashley studied for a BTEC National Certificate in Sport, an NVQ and a Level 2 Coaching certificate.
Now living in Stirling, Young believes gaining an education is hugely important for all Apprentice footballers.
He says:
“I realise that playing football won’t always be my full-time career, therefore it’s vital to have a contingency plan in place. The qualifications I gained as an Apprentice will be carried forward and used when I need them.”
“Not everyone makes it as a footballer and there is still a risk of a career ending injury for those lucky enough to play for a living – ensuring you plan for a life beyond the pitch is hugely important.”