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Harry Wilson

Harry Wilson

Where did you study for your BTEC with LFE?

 I studied at Fleetwood Town.

What are you doing now?

When I first left the BTEC programme, I worked full-time at a leisure centre and was promoted into a supervisory role. I enjoyed parts of that, but I then found a real passion to teach after attending a first aid course. After speaking with the course tutor, I turned this passion into my own business, and I am now the Managing Director of HW Training Services. We offer first aid and pool lifesaving courses to businesses, schools and colleges.

How did the LFE programme support you with your career aspirations?

I really enjoyed the education side especially learning about the body as this links into what I do now. As well as the actual course, the work experience and opportunities outside the classroom really helped develop who I am as a person now. Going out on placements was a really daunting thing for me at the time, but the varied programme allowed me to develop myself and work on things like my confidence and public speaking, which I have been able to transfer over to teaching.

What advice would you give to any learners on programme with us?

The advice that I would give to any learner is to just throw themselves into things, give everything a go and don’t be scared to go out of your comfort zone. Give everything your best and if it doesn’t work out, you can always try something new. Years after leaving the programme, I am still in touch with my tutors and a lot of the community staff who have been amazing helping me with my business and supporting me.

LFE are really proud of the journey Harry has been on and you can learn more about his business here –

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