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2011 – Raring To Go

First of all let me wish everyone a Happy New Year. Doesn’t it feel strange being in 2011!

You may recall that prior to Christmas and New Year I had started training again after an injury lay off and things were going relatively well.

Pre-christmas I was back in to the normal routine of college on a Monday and then training and I don’t know whether I was more amazed that I was feeling in such good shape or by the fact that we were able to train outside.

You might recall the ridiculous layers of snow that seemed to fall in waves well somehow we beat it to get on the training pitch.

We did a lot of work on possession and in small sided games and I am pleased to report that I was back in the Reserve Team Fold albeit my return didn’t prompt the ideal result!

A 5-1 defeat away at Manchester United. It was just great to be involved though especially considering how my season has panned out so far and I genuinely enjoyed the chance to be involved with the Ressies again!

The game itself, played at Altrincham’s Moss Lane ground was a totally different matter. After going 2 – 0 down Old Soderberg saved a penalty and we immediately scored, if we could have grabbed another then you never know but our defeat was to a better more determined team on the night.

It was always going to be a tough game as there lads were looking to give Ole Gunnar Solskjaer a send off before he joins Molde. And to be fair some of their football was really good, I wouldn’t be surprised if one player in particular hits the headlines in the future – Ravel Morrison scored twice for them and looks a fine prospect!

Finally I’ve been really happy with the way I’ve got back into training following my injuries, and right now I’m just focusing on improving my fitness and stepping up my game.

With weather finally catching up on us over the festive period I’ve been able to get a bit of rest but now it’s 2011 I’m raring to go again!

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