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After the Youth Cup game against Everton I was told by the Development Squad Manager, Curtis Fleming, that I would be training with him and the first team everyday and not with the youth team anymore.

I was extremely pleased with this as it meant my performances and training at youth team level had been noticed by the staff at the Club.

I have since played a few games for the youth team, when the reserves don’t have a game for a while or I need a game but I have been training every day with the development squad and a couple of times a week with the first team squad.

Training every day with the professionals is great and I am learning new things every day even if they are little, they are all mini steps to help me get as far as possible.

It’s been weird stepping up to the development squad (reserves) because all my career I’ve been playing every Saturday/Sunday without fail but now I find myself training on a Saturday morning instead of playing and then playing on a Tuesday afternoon.

Games for the development squad haven’t been frequent this year as we are not in a league so all the games have to be arranged and are friendlies and due to the Club’s great run in the League Cup, games had to be cancelled just incase someone was needed for the first team squad.

I’m still not quite use to this transition, it is quite hard as is any transition. But if you asked me whether I’d rather be playing Saturday for the youth team or Tuesday for the reserves, the answer without a doubt would be reserves.

There’s not long left in the season now, just over 6 weeks and one thing I’ve realised since going full time is how quick the season goes! The first team find themselves in a secure, good position and hopefully can push on up the table.

Jonny Williams is now back in training after his injury and is due to play in a development squad game tomorrow (13th March). Now Jon is back, the first team manager has a fully fit squad to pick from with no long term injuries (touch wood) which is brilliant going into the home straight of the season.

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