Yesterday we finally got round to going to the Water Park in Sundsvall (the closest big city to Ange).
At first we thought we might not be able to find it, but then we asked one of our team mates if he would like to come and he agreed and said he would show us round as he’d been before.
It was a really good day out and we also got to see Sundsvall town centre and another big shopping centre just outside the city. It reminded me a little of Meadow Hall in Sheffield or the Bull Ring in Birmingham.
Because it’s our last week on the LFE placement and the end of the first half of the season, Iain and I have had a bit of time on our hands so we decided to go to Ostersund which is about an hour an half in the opposite direction to Sundsvall.
We’d never been before and our Swedish teacher said we most go before we leave because it was such a nice place, and he was right. It’s a lovely small town which is right by the lake and has lots of small streets running off in different directions.
Its smaller than Sundsvall but has similar shops, they’re just all closer to together which made it easier to get round.
Tomorrow we’ve got training with GIF Sundsvall U21 team. We’ve not trained much this week as we’ve reached the break in the season here so it’ll be good to get in one training session before we come back to England.
We’re also going to a fancy dress party on Saturday night, so I’m hoping I can go to this fancy dress shop I’ve been told about and pick up something cheap.
The theme is cartoons, which kind of limits my options but it’s all in good spirit. Three guys from the team have birthdays all in the space of a week so there they’re having a joint party just outside Ange, hopefully it’ll be a good night.