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Wolves On Tour

Wolves On Tour

Another day of waking up at 7:45. Another day of being downstairs at 8 for breakfast. That’s what greeted us for starters – it’s not like this back in Blighty.

We had training at 9:30 and so we left the hotel at 9:15. There wasn’t much free time as we had to get prepared and ready for training, so up to our rooms we went to get set. The clock struck 9:15 and everyone was on their bikes ready for the day ahead.

We arrived and the weather was miserable, but that didn’t spoil the vibes of the session and we trained well by doing shape work and defending the box, ready for the game on Friday.

We later returned at around 11 o’clock and had lunch at 12. We walked in to see an amazing variety of tropical fruits and delicious food.

We then enjoyed a bit of down-time before a 2 o’clock start in the gym by playing some table tennis as a team and enjoying the facilities.

We then had gym at 2, which was a good session for the lads. The facility will be very beneficial for us so that we can keep our regular schedule of doing core and gym.

Dinner was at 7, so we had a lot of spare time and a few of the lads went to have a swim to pass the time and have a bit of fun. We had a swimming competition for most of the time and it was a good laugh!

I also had some treatment as I’ve been suffering a little from a bad ankle.

But soon enough it was time for dinner, which we had and enjoyed as a team. It was nice that there was a variety of food once again so that everyone could choose what they wanted to eat.

We were then told after dinner that we were to report to the meeting room to complete our diary log books and also to finish off some PMA that we needed to do.

After that I went to my room and rested with a few of the lads as I was quite tired and wanted to get some sleep.

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