Job Opportunity: LFE PCT Support Officer
League Football Education (LFE) is looking for a Support Officer who can provide administrative, booking and coordination support to the Projects and Communications Team…

Job Opportunity: LFE Communications Officer
League Football Education is looking for a Communications Officer, who can create and deliver effective Communications and PR messages to its learners, other key stakeholders and staff…

League Football Education Remains Committed To Tackling Racism
League Football Education condemns racist abuse of any kind and is committed to eliminating all forms of discrimination…

LFE Life Skills Feedback 2020/21
LFE’s Life Skills programme aims to raise awareness and empower apprentices with knowledge and skills to deal with the demands of football and life..

LFE Apprentice Debutants 2020/21
Many current LFE apprentices gained first-team experience with their respective clubs across eight competitions during the 2020/21 season…

The Alumni Player Voice Initiative
League Football Education would like to share details of the new Alumni Player Voice initiative, which aims to bring together past apprentices across EFL academies and provide the opportunity to share transition-related experiences, both in and out of football…

Job Opportunity: BTEC Internal Verifier
BTEC Internal Verifiers – Regionalised (part-time, hourly paid) League Football Education (LFE) is looking for two experienced BTEC Internal Verifiers..

Job Opportunity: SEP Internal Quality Assurer
Job Opportunity: SEP Internal Quality Assurer – Regionalised (part-time, hourly paid). LFE is looking for a team of peripatetic Internal Quality Assurers (IQAs) to ensure the quality of the Sporting Excellence Professional Apprenticeship…

The Nature of Asking for Help | Mental Health Awareness Week
Asking for help allows us to surround ourselves with people who can help us facilitate further development, find solutions to our concerns and make us feel better…

The Nature of Stress | Mental Health Awareness Week
Stress has the ability to negatively impact our lives. It can cause physical conditions, such as sleep disturbance, digestive issues and headaches…

The Nature of Depression | Mental Health Awareness Week
Although depression presents with various physical symptoms, it is considered as a disorder of mood…

The Nature of Anxiety | Mental Health Awareness Week
Anxiety is an emotion characterised by feelings of fear and tension, worried thoughts and physical changes, like increased blood pressure, sweating and fatigue…