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Learning The Dutch Way, German Opposition & A Trip To Feyenoord

Learning The Dutch Way, German Opposition & A Trip To Feyenoord

Having begun the trip with a journey across the border to Germany for our clash with VFL Osnabruck, the players had a recovery day to relax a bit after such a busy start…

Apprentices Pre-Season
Getting Started In Sevilla

Getting Started In Sevilla

After I’d fuelled up with ham and egg on toast for breakfast we began our first session in Spain with the Real Betis staff, who put on practices that were based on short passing, combinations and pressing…

Apprentices Pre-Season
Adapting To The Spanish Heat

Adapting To The Spanish Heat

At 3:00am, my LFE trip begun with a journey from south Manchester to Huddersfield. Upon arrival, I met up with the rest of my teammates as we set out from there on our adventure to Seville…

Apprentices Pre-Season
Dutch Trip Bringing Us Closer As A Team

Dutch Trip Bringing Us Closer As A Team

Our trip began with an early start as we travelled to Bristol Airport, where we flew with Dutch airline KLM to Amsterdam and fortunately the journey went smoothly…

Apprentices Pre-Season
Going Dutch

Going Dutch

It has been an amazing experience to come to the Netherlands and train with Dutch coaches, play matches against foreign sides and experience the local culture while bonding with the group…

Apprentices Pre-Season
Winning Games Abroad

Winning Games Abroad

Thus far, our pre-season tour in the Netherlands has been outstanding…

Apprentices Pre-Season
Time To Head Home

Time To Head Home

We’ve come to the end of our stay here in Spain and it’s been a memorable two weeks. The trip has contained a lot of experiences that we won’t forget, both on and off the pitch and it’s really helped the team to bond and has brought us all closer together…

Apprentices Pre-Season
End Of An Amazing Trip

End Of An Amazing Trip

The second week in Madrid has flown by. It began on Sunday with a tour of Real Madrid’s training ground and Bernabeu Stadium, which was superb. It took my breath away as soon as we arrived at the training ground…

Apprentices Pre-Season
Motivated by Madrid

Motivated by Madrid

On Saturday, we played Atlético Madrid at their pre-season training ground, where the first-team also train during the summer…

Apprentices Pre-Season
Taking On Atlético

Taking On Atlético

I continued my road to recovery with a gym session, while the rest of the boys went for their training session…

Apprentices Pre-Season
Learning The Spanish Way

Learning The Spanish Way

Our first full day in Spain was very enjoyable for everyone as we were able to settle down in the new facility and new environment, which gave us time together as a team to bond…

Apprentices Pre-Season
Theme Parks, Spanish Lessons & Training with Madrid

Theme Parks, Spanish Lessons & Training with Madrid

Reading Under-18 midfielder Tyler Frost has been giving us the lowdown on their experience of the LFE trip to Spain…

Apprentices Pre-Season