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Youth Cup Joy

The FA Youth Cup is the pinnacle for most young players in the country. We were looking forward to it for some time and couldn’t have gone into the game much better after beating Arsenal 4-1. ..


An Unexpected Change

We spent the past week focusing on the Youth Cup. A series of friendlies had been organised leading up to the game.

We’re due to play Dulwich Hamlet, a team that we haven’t really seen play, so we don’t know much about them…


Team Spirit

Its coming to a really crucial stage in the season now and the next few results will have a big say in the direction our season goes. Last season the results around Christmas time were really positive and had a good impact on the rest of our season; we won our FA Youth Cup game and went in to the Christmas break on a high…


Snow Plays Havoc With Training

I’m steadily getting back to the rhythm of training. I’ve resumed full training, and it just feels great to be fit again. It’s just a case of sharpening up now and getting myself fit for the FA Youth Cup in two weeks time. That’s the target anyway. ..


Back In Training

I’m back to training this week, so I thought I’ll start this blog on a high. The 5 weeks I’ve been out have gone quite quickly although some days felt as if they were dragging with all the rehab and running I had to do…


A Fantastic Job…

Academy Match: Crystal Palace v Portsmouth

Unfortunately we couldn’t make it 5 wins out of 5 when we entertained Pompey at home two weeks ago. ..


Focussing On Rehab

The last few weeks I’ve been focusing on my rehab programme after surgery for my hernia problem…


Under The Surgeon's Knife

It has been a difficult and frustrating time for me as of late. At the end of the week before last I was told that I’d have to undergo surgery for a hernia problem that has been bothering me from the start of the season…


Under The Surgeon’s Knife

It has been a difficult and frustrating time for me as of late. At the end of the week before last I was told that I’d have to undergo surgery for a hernia problem that has been bothering me from the start of the season…


Winning Streak

Since my last blog things have been going really well for us and we have done really well to keep up our winning streak. There is no better feeling than winning and the confidence and belief it brings to the squad is huge…


Tough Fixture

We were in on Monday morning for our usual College work from 9am – 11am and from there it’s straight out for training.

It was quite a light session as we had a tough day coming up on the Tuesday and it’s very much a case of recharging the batteries after the previous game. ..


The Season Is Flying By

The season seems to be flying by at the moment, with games coming thick and fast. It’s great to be playing regularly, and hopefully it can stay this way. ..
