Latest Apprentices

Settling Into Spanish Life

Settling Into Spanish Life

Hello, my name is James – I am a second year scholar for Bristol City and have been at the academy since I was 14…

Apprentices Pre-Season
No Tournament Glory

No Tournament Glory

The second week was drawing to a close and the lads could see the end was nigh. But the hard work continued as we travelled to Ado Den Haag’s training ground for a double training session with one of their coaches. Coaching was focused on possession-based training drills…

Apprentices Pre-Season
Germany v England & War Museum

Germany v England & War Museum

Our fixture against Bochum was not only a game between them and Bury, but it was also a battle of Germany against England and the mind games started from the off as they refused to shake our hands before kick-off…

Apprentices Pre-Season
Disappointing Way To End

Disappointing Way To End

Following our win against Bochum, Wednesday began with a light training session in the morning. We trained for an hour in the hot weather, with the heat not making the session feel more like a gruelling double hit of training…

Apprentices Pre-Season

Ending a Once in a Lifetime Experience

After Tuesday’s victory, we planned for a recovery day and took it easy on Wednesday. A light spin class took place, which for most of us was the first we had took part in during the trip. We didn’t realise how hard it can be – an absolute killer! But at the same time, it was made very enjoyable by the instructor, who was quality…

Apprentices Pre-Season
FC Twente, Paddle Boarding & English Weather

FC Twente, Paddle Boarding & English Weather

Tuesday started gloomy, with grey clouds and rain everywhere – no different to the weather back at home! We boarded the coach and made our way to FC Twente for our game – the hour and a half trip had some of the fellas thinking about the game whilst others enjoyed their sleep…

Apprentices Pre-Season
Taste of Victory

Taste of Victory

Tuesday was a relaxing day, although we still had to be up for breakfast at 8am – nightmare! After that we took a stroll along to the lake which is 150 metres away from our hotel. We walked around the lake to loosen our legs up ahead of the game that was to take place later in the day…

Apprentices Pre-Season
Two out of Two

Two out of Two

Following our hectic weekend, we started the new week back to some kind of regularity. With our second competitive fixture of the tour taking place the next day, we planned to take Monday quite easy…

Apprentices Pre-Season
One hundred per cent record

One hundred per cent record

Another day, another game on our Dutch preseason trip. FC Twente were our opponents this time and having beaten Dordrecht last week, we were all full of confidence…

Apprentices Pre-Season

Pizza, Kebab and Chips – the Taste of Victory

Since visiting Amsterdam at the weekend, it’s been full concentration on the job in hand for us Boro boys as we prepare for the back end of our trip…

Apprentices Pre-Season
Determined to Get a Win

Determined to Get a Win

It’s been a busy few days here in the Netherlands, but the experience just keeps getting better!..

Apprentices Pre-Season
Day in the Dam

Day in the Dam

We were off to Amsterdam, which meant we had to be up for an early start – which pleased nobody!..

Apprentices Pre-Season