Latest Apprentices

Catch Up Before the End of the Season

I haven’t written anything for a few weeks, so here I am trying to catch up by telling you as much as I can that has happened over the past few weeks!..


Knocked Out of the FA Youth Cup

Not such good news to tell you this time, for starters we were knocked out of the FA Youth Cup last week by Norwich City. The game went all the way to the last few minutes of extra time and they just nicked it through a mistake!..


Through to the Next Stage

Hi everyone!

Well, I’ve dragged this blog out for a couple of days and admittedly it’s overdue for the simple reason of waiting to fill you in with the news of our FA Youth Cup match against Bristol Rovers…


Update on the Past Few Weeks

Hello everyone, following on from my last blog where I told you all I would keep you updated with how the past few weeks have gone, here goes!..


Good To Be Back

It’s been a long time since I’ve written a blog but I’m glad to be back and I will keep you updated with what’s happening in an around the training ground again! ..


Pre Season Success

Tuesday was our 3rd arranged game against Vitesse. We had trained in preparation for the game the previous day however fundamental mistakes where made and we ended up loosing the game 1-0.


Apprentices Pre-Season

An Unbeatable Tour

We were up for 9:30 on Monday morning ready to report back to training. Although legs were a little stiff from Saturday’s game the boys were out and ready to train for 11:00am. Training consisted of various technical practices and possession drills…

Apprentices Pre-Season

Foreign Learning Curve

Our final game against foreign opponents Osnabruck was definitely a game to learn from for us, playing against a very well structured German side who were on the front foot from the off and for the entire first half we were under great amounts of pressure.


Apprentices Pre-Season

The Feyernoord Test

On Friday morning we woke up at 8:00; reporting for breakfast at 8:30. Once finished we had half an hour to get ready for training. We left the hotel ready to train, looking forward to the guest coaches we had that morning.


Apprentices Pre-Season

No Time For Rest…

Saturday was the day of our second game, this time against NEC Nijmegen. It was also the day we were to transfer hotels for the second half of the tour and so the previous night we had packed our bags in preparation.


Apprentices Pre-Season

A Winning Start!

Departed moor farm at 3:00am, (too early) ready for a flight from Birmingham to Amsterdam at 6:00am. From the airport travelled straight to the hotel, still everyone being half asleep.


Apprentices Pre-Season

Meeting McLaren

The trip to Amsterdam was a great day – in both the town and at the Amsterdam Arena. In the morning a tour of the stadium was always going to be a good experience seeing the history of the club and a greater insight into Dutch football.


Apprentices Pre-Season