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Pre-Season Tour Kicks Off

It’s now our 2nd day in Sweden and so far we have trained twice at the Sundsvall Stadium. The stadium’s facilities are excellent and the pitch is a good standard as well. The stadium staff have been very friendly and welcoming to everyone, they provided us with training equipment and have also offered to clean our training kit!

We will be heading off back to stadium later on tonight for our first match against the hosts GIF Sundsvall. Kick-off is at 7 o’ clock and all of the lads are confident and looking forward to the match including myself. All the lads are chilling out and preparing for the game at the moment and will be having a pre-match meal at 5 o’ clock.

During our spare time so far we have had a tour of Sundsvall which took a couple of hours. Mainly there was clothes shops but the walk was pleasant and gave you time to relax before tea and our evening activity which was go-karting and everyone was excited about it.

The walk to the track was supposed to take 15 minutes but turned into half an hour with some bad map reading skills from some of the staff! Once we arrived at the go-karting track we were split into three groups the first group set off and had 2 warm up laps and then 12 qualifying laps then the second and third group did the same.

After the qualifying laps it was race time we were split into 3 more groups: A, B and C, group A being the fastest and group C being the slower group. I was in group B. All the lads had a great time and were talking about it on the way back home.

Better go now got to get some shut eye and chill in preparation for the game this evening.

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