The nature of addiction involves a craving or urge to use something or to engage in an activity in a way that is demanding and extreme.
This will include a loss of control over its use and a continuing involvement with it, despite negative consequences. Addiction changes the brain by subverting the way it registers pleasure, while creating beliefs and feelings of dependency.
It is important not to be alone with addiction. Asking for help is a huge advantage.
No matter what anyone is faced with, there are people with abilities and experience who can help. There is always a way forward. It is not a sign of weakness to ask for help, it is a step towards strength.
If PFA members wish to speak with someone in confidence and private, there is access to a 24/7 well-being service, which can be reached on 07500 000777 or [email protected].
There are also a variety of other options available to everyone, some of which can be found here.