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Olympic Training in Lillehammer

I was released by Watford FC’s Academy back in 2007 and in 2008, I was given the opportunity to try out for a new sport via an initiative called Pitch2Podium.

Pitch2Podium is a scheme aimed at giving ex-apprentices like me the chance to transfer all the skills we’ve developed over the years into another sport which could take us all the way to the Olympic Games!

When I first got the invitation I didn’t think much of it but figured I may as well give it a go, so went along to the talent assessment trials anyway. I’m so glad I did. In the past nine months I have had trials in three different Olympic sports (cycling, hockey and bob skeleton) and I have today just arrived in Lillehammer in Norway, where I am going to spend the next three weeks training with the British Bob Skeleton Association on the 1994 Winter Olympic track.

I have developed a real bug for this sport – it is so exciting and I really feel like I could go all the way. I can’t wait to get back on the ice.

I’ll keep you posted on how my trip goes and, who knows, maybe I will meet some of you at the upcoming Pitch2Podium trials that are taking place at Progression ’09 in Sheffield and Reading. Even if you’re not getting released, the Pitch2Podium trial days are great fun and give you an idea of how you would measure up to Team GB’s best Olympians!

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